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Mental Health and Wellbeing

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Our Services


What sets the Carnevalli Clinic apart? Above all, they are the values on which we base our care. Among the most important are transparency, compassion and respect for all mental, physical and social factors that affect our health . This inclusive approach allows us to address each patient's specific issues and produce lasting results. Contact us today to learn more about our vision and work.

Psychology Session

Marcelo Giannelli Lobato

Psychologist 62365\06

Grandson of Alayde Carnevalli Giannelli, over a career spanning several decades, Marcelo Lobato built an outstanding reputation as a mental health professional in São Paulo . Psychologist specializing in Severe Mental Disorders, Chemical Dependency and Hypnosis. It also meets the demand for existential and relationship conflicts.

Thais Gomes da Silva


Thais Gomes, Psychoanalytic Psychologist , has an entrepreneurial profile and shows empowerment in the activities in which she works. It provides dedicated assistance to women and children , welcomes and accompanies people experiencing gender conflicts and adults experiencing mental illness crises.

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Isabela Martins

Integral Support Secretary

Hello Everyone!

You can count on me for any support you need . You can find me via whatsapp or website email .
We offer online and in-person psychological care for adults, children, people with psychiatric disorders , couples, drug addicts , gender conflicts and others.

Some of our alternatives are: 🕺🏽 Motivational Programs , 🎭 Psychodrama, 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Online Family Meeting , 🎸 Awareness and Mindfulness Music Therapy and 👨🏽‍🏫 Qualitative Human Training.


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